According to the Population Movement Report of 2017 based on the resident registry published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications reports that the number of people moving to Tokyo’s 23 wards increased by 5% over the past 16 years to 61,588.
This increase of population inflow into Tokyo has exceed the year before and is due to the strong economic trends. All 23 wards have seen an increase in the population, and wards like Chuo Ward has broke through 150,000 people for the first time in 55 years. The area of Tsukishima has good access to the city centre, and because of this, construction of high rise apartments will continue. The population is expected to increase by 17% in the last three years and to increase to about 110,000 from the current 70,000 in 10 years. Even in Harumi where the Olympic Village is located is expected to see sharp increases in the population.
Approximately half of those moving to Chuo ward are from other districts in the city.
Mr Makoto Sakuma, the research of NLI Research on the Real Estate Market said; “The construction of apartment buildings in the coastal areas has led to an increase in the movement rate, and the economy is steadily growing because of this strong growth in youth population.”
Even in the three major metropolitan areas through the country, the greater Tokyo area (Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama and Kanagawa) has continued to see increase of inflow for 22 consecutive years, while Nagoya and Osaka has boasts an increase for the past 5 consecutive years.
Original Article from Nikkei: https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO26278710Z20C18A1L83000/